Thursday, June 16, 2011

Getting Started: Assignment1

It’s not too early to begin thinking about your success in Algebra 2 this summer! Since many of you have spent the past year in geometry class, it will be a good idea to refresh your algebra skills. Below are the prerequisite skills from algebra 1 along with some practice problems. This assignment will not be checked or graded. However, there will be a test on these skills the first or second day we return to school.

If you have trouble with any of these problems, solutions will be posted by Sunday.
(Feel free to email me or leave a comment if you have questions.)

Before you begin Algebra 2, you should be able to:

I. Solving Equations and Inequalities (ch 1 in text book)
  • Solve any one variable equation
  • Solve absolute value equation
  • Solve Inequalities
  • Solving Compound and Absolute Value Inequalities
II. Linear Relations and Functions (ch 2 in text book)
  • Identify a function, domain and range
  • Use function notation to evaluate a function
  • Find slope of a line given two points or a graph.
  • Write the equation of a line given slope and y-intercept, slope and a point, two points, or a graph.
  • Graph any line: Including vertical & horizontal, linear inequalities and absolute inequalities
II. Systems of Equation (ch 3 in text book)
  • Solve Systems of Equations by Graphing
  • Solve Systems of Equations Algebraically (substitution and Elimination)

Practice Problems( When downloading choose PDF or HTML)

Ms. Garcia Daily Information


Extra Help: Before class and after class.

Words from Ms. Garcia:

Come to class everyday with notebook, and something to write with and a good attitude.

Keep in mind students that our summer course is usually taught in a year. That being the case, we must move fast and smile everyday. If you have questions, please ask!! If not, we will move right past you.

Good Luck

Algebra 2 Summer Outline


The Algebra II discipline complements and expands the mathematical content and concepts of Algebra I and Geometry. It emphasizes finding solutions for and graphing, polynomial functions, inequalities, systems of equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, and conic sections. We will also explore matrices, the complex number system and trigonometric relationships. Class activities will incorporate problem solving competencies in algebraic operations, communicating mathematical thinking, and modeling algebraic reasoning in real-life situations. Successful completion of Algebra II will prepare the student to take Pre-Calculus or Advanced Topics, determined by teacher recommendation.

Week 1 June 20- June 24

a.) Review ch 1-3
- Solving Equations and Inequalities
- Linear Relations and Functions
- Systems of Equations
b.) Solve systems of Linear Equations in three Variables
c.) Perform Basic Matrix Operations
d.) Multiply Matrices/ show calculator use
e.) Add, Subtract, multiply, divide, and factor polynomials
f.) Simplify and solve equations involving roots, radicals, and rational exponents

Week 2 June 27- July 1

a.) Perform operations with complex number (5.9)
b.) Quadratic Functions and Inequalities (ch 6)
- Graphing quadratic functions and inequalities
- Solving Quadratic equations graphing and algebraically (factor, CTS, QF)

c.) Polynomial Functions (ch 7)
- Graphing polynomial functions
- Solving Polynomial Functions using quadratic techniques, find zeros
-Basic Operations on Functions
-Square Root functions and Inequalities

Week 3 July 4- July 8 (note: No class on Monday July 4 )

a.) Rational Expressions and Equations (ch9)
- Rational expressions basic operations
- Graphing Rational Functions
- Solving Rational Equations and Inequalities
b.) Trigonometry Functions (ch 13)
- Right Triangle Trig
- Angle Measurements: ref/terminal angles, radian/degree
- 6 Trig Functions

Week 4 July 11- July 15

a.) Trigonometry Functions (ch 13)
- Law of Sines, Cosines
- Circular Functions
- Inverse Trig Functions (no graphing)
b.) Trig Graphs and Identities (ch 14)
- Graphing Functions/Translations
- Trig Identities
- Solving Trig Equations

Week 5 July 18- July 22

a.) Exponential and Logarithmic Relations (ch10)
- Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Properties of Logs
- Base e and Natural Logs
- Exponential Grows and Decay
b.) Review for final test