Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 14: July 10th review and homework

  • 13.2 Angles and Angle measurements-HW: pg 713 #'s 27-41 odd, 43, 49, 53
  • 13.3 Trigonometric Functions of General Angles-HW: pg 722 #'s 17-21, 25-31, 33-39 ODDS!!
  • Also, watch the video on Inverse Trig Functions and try problems pg 749 #'s 6-13 all.

13.2 Angles and Angle Measure

What you'll learn...

  • Change radian measure to degree measure and vise versa
  • Identify coterminal Angles
Most of you are used to thinking of a circle in terms of degrees: 360° is the whole circle. 180° is half the circle etc... Well, radian measure is just a different way of talking about the circle. Radian measure is just different unit of measure.

Just as we can measure a football field in yards or feet--we can measure a circle in degrees (like the good old days) or in radians (welcome to the big leagues!)

Think about what the word radian sounds like...well, it sounds like 'radius', right? It turns out that a radian has a close relationship to the radius of a circle

Definition of radian(we'll break this down more on this page): a radian is the measure of an angle that, when drawn a central angle of a circle, intercepts an arc whose length is equal to the length of the radius of the circle.

Degrees to radians
The general formula for converting from degrees to radians is to simply multiply the number of degree by Π /180°
  • Example 1:
    Convert 200° into radian measure:
    200° (Π/180°) = 200/180Π radians or 3.49 radians
  • Example 2:
    Convert 120° into radian measure:
    120° (Π/180°) = (2/3)Π radians = 2.09 radians

Radians to degrees

The general formula for converting from degrees to radians is to simply multiply the number of degree by 180°/(Π)
  • Convert 1.4 radians into degrees: 1.4 (180°/Π) = 80.2 °
Example 1: Click on link

13.3 Trigonometric Functions of General Angles

Example 2: Use a Reference Angle to find a Trigonometric Value

13.7 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
What you'll learn...

* Solve Equations using Inverse Trigonometric Functions
* Find values of trigonometric expressions

Practice Quiz