Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19th

  • pg pg 558 #'s 30-37 all, 38, 39, 42, 43, 47, 48, 50
  • pg 564 #'s 10, 11, 12, 14
  • Study for ch 10 Exponential and Logarithmic Relations test: Do practice test pg 571 #'s 1-27. ( Don't do the inequalities problems)

Example: Solve Base e and natural logarithms Equations

10. 6 Exponential Growth and Decay

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18th: Review and homework

Chapter 10 Exponential and Logarithmic Relations
  • 10.3 Properties of Logarithms-Hw: pg 544 #'s 13-17 odd, 21-31 odd
  • 10. 4 Common Logarithms-hw: pg 550 #'s 27-41 odd, 45, 46, 47

10.3 Properties of Logarithms

What you'll learn...
  • Simplify and evaluate expressions using the properties of logarithms
  • Solve logarithmic equations using the properties of logarithms

10.4 Common natural logarithms
What you'll learn...
  • Solve exponential equations using common logs
  • Evaluate logarithms expressions using the Change of Base Formula
Common natural logarithms

Friday, July 15, 2011

Gaelic Football Match:

Location: Gaelic Park in the Bronx
Time: 12:30 pm
Bring your student I.D so you don't have to pay.

Take the 1 Train to 238th street. Walk north on Broadway to 240th street. Turn left on 240th street . Gaelic park is on 24oth on the right side of the street. If you come, stay after the match so I can say hi.

Hope to see a few of you. If not, no worries see you Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend.

NOTE: Homework quiz on Monday

Chapter 10 Exponential and Logarithmic Relations
  • 10.1 Exponential Functions-Hw: pg 528 #'s 21, 24, 27-32 all, 40, 41, 45-48 all, and 52
  • 10.2 Logarithms & logarithmic Functions-Hw:pg 536 #'s 21-31 odd, 33, 34, 35, 37, 47-59 all

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day: July 13th: Homework and review

  • pg 803 #'s 15, 20, 21, 24, 27, 36
  • Do review sheet at bottom of page.
  • I would put all the useful notes on the unit circle sheet tonight. You never know, I might let you use it...

Solving Trig Equations
What you'll learn...

T0 solve trig equations you can use trig identities to solve trig equations, which are true for only certain values of the variable.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day: July 12 Homework and Review


  • pg 774-775 #'s 12, 15, 33, 34, 37, 39
  • pg 780 #'s 25-34 all.

14.1 and 14.2 Trig Graphs

What you'll learn...
  • Graph trig functions
  • Find the amplitude and period
  • Graph horizontal translations
  • Find phase shifts
  • Graph vertical translations

14.3 Trig Identities

What you'll learn...
  • Use identities to find trig values.
  • Use trig identities to simplify expressions.

Example 1:
Find a value of a trigonometric function

Example 2

Simplify Expressions

Trigonometric identities can also be used to simplify expressions containing trigonometric functions. Simplifying an expression that contains trig functions means that the expression is written a s a numerical value or in terms of a single trig function, if possible.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day: July 11th


-pg736 #'s 11-19 odds
-pg 738 practice quiz 2

What you'll learn...
  • Solve problems by using the Law of Sines
  • Determine whether a triangle has one, two, or no solutions

Law of cosines

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 14: July 10th review and homework

  • 13.2 Angles and Angle measurements-HW: pg 713 #'s 27-41 odd, 43, 49, 53
  • 13.3 Trigonometric Functions of General Angles-HW: pg 722 #'s 17-21, 25-31, 33-39 ODDS!!
  • Also, watch the video on Inverse Trig Functions and try problems pg 749 #'s 6-13 all.

13.2 Angles and Angle Measure

What you'll learn...

  • Change radian measure to degree measure and vise versa
  • Identify coterminal Angles
Most of you are used to thinking of a circle in terms of degrees: 360° is the whole circle. 180° is half the circle etc... Well, radian measure is just a different way of talking about the circle. Radian measure is just different unit of measure.

Just as we can measure a football field in yards or feet--we can measure a circle in degrees (like the good old days) or in radians (welcome to the big leagues!)

Think about what the word radian sounds like...well, it sounds like 'radius', right? It turns out that a radian has a close relationship to the radius of a circle

Definition of radian(we'll break this down more on this page): a radian is the measure of an angle that, when drawn a central angle of a circle, intercepts an arc whose length is equal to the length of the radius of the circle.

Degrees to radians
The general formula for converting from degrees to radians is to simply multiply the number of degree by Π /180°
  • Example 1:
    Convert 200° into radian measure:
    200° (Π/180°) = 200/180Π radians or 3.49 radians
  • Example 2:
    Convert 120° into radian measure:
    120° (Π/180°) = (2/3)Π radians = 2.09 radians

Radians to degrees

The general formula for converting from degrees to radians is to simply multiply the number of degree by 180°/(Π)
  • Convert 1.4 radians into degrees: 1.4 (180°/Π) = 80.2 °
Example 1: Click on link

13.3 Trigonometric Functions of General Angles

Example 2: Use a Reference Angle to find a Trigonometric Value

13.7 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
What you'll learn...

* Solve Equations using Inverse Trigonometric Functions
* Find values of trigonometric expressions

Practice Quiz