Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day: July 12 Homework and Review


  • pg 774-775 #'s 12, 15, 33, 34, 37, 39
  • pg 780 #'s 25-34 all.

14.1 and 14.2 Trig Graphs

What you'll learn...
  • Graph trig functions
  • Find the amplitude and period
  • Graph horizontal translations
  • Find phase shifts
  • Graph vertical translations

14.3 Trig Identities

What you'll learn...
  • Use identities to find trig values.
  • Use trig identities to simplify expressions.

Example 1:
Find a value of a trigonometric function

Example 2

Simplify Expressions

Trigonometric identities can also be used to simplify expressions containing trigonometric functions. Simplifying an expression that contains trig functions means that the expression is written a s a numerical value or in terms of a single trig function, if possible.